Effective learning and development depend on a combination of practical and stimulating experiences. All learning requires shifts in mindsets that challenge old ideas and habits. Our programs help your employees break through the natural resistance to change and move to the next level of growth to maximize performance.

Intentional Communication Customized Programs (popular topics include:) 

Working with Emotional Intelligence:

Emotions shape the culture of every organization. Because emotions drive all behavior and performance, investing in emotional competency development is a solid business decision.

Intentional Communication — The Essential Skills for Successful Workplace Relationships:

Effective communication requires skills that are vital to every aspect of successful workplace performance: leading, coaching and motivating employees, customer relations, collaborating with co-workers and resolving conflicts.

Transforming Conflict into Opportunity:

Over 65% of performance problems result from strained relationships between employees—not from deficits in individual employees’ skill or motivation. Unmanaged employee conflict is perhaps the largest reducible cost in organizations today—and probably the least recognized.

Working Mindfully – Strategies for Greater Focus & Resiliency:

Mindfulness training is increasingly becoming a highly valued skill in the workplace for one important reason – it works.

Building Trust & Collaboration in the Workplace:

Trust in all institutions is at an all-time low. Yet indices like the Edelman Trust Barometer report that transparency, trust and employee welfare continue to rank as the most important factors in maintaining corporate reputation and employee morale.

Leading and Managing Assertively – Getting Results Respectfully:

Assertiveness, central to leadership and the ability to collaborate effectively with others, is a rare skill. The majority of communication is either aggressive or passive which contributes to unnecessary conflict and misunderstandings.