December 16, 2014

If You Are Sick, Stay Home (and please get some sleep)

“We have clear evidence that if you consistently work long hours, you will get ill. And what we’re finding in the developed world is that increasingly the hours are upping that more and more people are working longer.”     Cary Cooper, Organizational Psychologist Recently, we’ve spoken with several clients who were sick. Physically ill.  Coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, sore throats – […]
July 25, 2014

Knowing What You Really Want

In earlier writings on self-compassion, I asked what I consider to be a core question, Have I loved my life enough? Another way of asking this is – Have I loved myself enough? Either question takes you down the same path. All of life is driven by needs. Needs energize our life, generate motivation and shape the meaning of our experiences. […]
February 15, 2014

Reclaiming the Power of Your Intuition Part 2

    “The first step is intuition and it comes with a burst.” Thomas Edison Born in 1847, Thomas Alva Edison wasn’t a particularly bright child. He was intensely curious and started conducting experiments from the time he was a child. His entire schooling consisted of three months (fortunately his mother was a teacher).  When he was a teenager, an […]
February 8, 2014

Reclaiming The Power of Your Intuition Part 1

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”    Albert Einstein       Most people have experienced the often vague feeling of knowing something without having any memory of its source. This phenomenon is known as a “gut feeling,” a “hunch” or “intuition.”  According […]
October 10, 2013

Forgiveness at Work – Cleaning our Emotional House

“Forgiveness is a lovely idea until you have someone to forgive.”  C.S. Lewis I’ve thought a lot about forgiveness lately. Often when we face life’s major passages, a flood of old thoughts and feelings suddenly reappear. But I must admit that I am not at the place where I started when I began to think about the concept of forgiveness for this […]
August 29, 2013

Release Your Inner Giver

I refuse to buy into the belief that there are more takers in the world than givers. Naïve? The media is filled with stories about the greedy, the callous and the downright meanness of some people today.  Greed’s gotten so bad that we’re now applying scientific study (a good thing) to understand it better. While we recoiled when Gordon Gekko proclaimed […]
April 18, 2013

Emotional Mindfulness: What Anger, Vulnerability & Despair Teach Us

Everyone gets caught in a whirlwind of contradictory feelings and wonders – how can so many potent emotions sit side by side within me?  It’s easy to get lost in anxiety, sadness or even despair, when times are hard. It’s not uncommon to feel a sense of vulnerability because of the limitations of our power to effect external change. The Popular TED […]
May 17, 2012

10 Ways to Bring More Mindfulness to Your Work Day

This post consistently ranks #1 on this blog. The topic of mindfulness seems to pop up with more and more of our clients. True, there is the buzzword effect, but I believe that on some level there’s a growing sense of how scattered and overwhelmed people feel. The new gold standard of work is becoming better able to focus more […]