April 28, 2015

Why Do We Have To “Promote” Kindness at Work?

 “I now realize I have been working with my eyes closed. I appreciate even more a professor with whom I work occasionally: he always makes the point that leaders, managers — everyone in fact — should never underestimate the importance of kindness at work.” Gill Corkindale, Harvard Business Review An article in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) by author Gill Corkindale,  “The […]
February 1, 2015

The "Management Model" You Can’t Manage Without – Part 2

“Brain science’s transformation of management isn’t just about another new technique or model. It’s about shifting our paradigm to incorporate the hard data of science and fundamentally changing the way we think about business.”                                   Charles S. Jacobs, Management Rewired Neuroscience will revolutionize the way we do business. It will do that because it will eventually transform the way we view […]
January 31, 2015

We Need New Models for Workplace Relationships Part 2

“We sense we’ve reached the end of something.” Lynne McTaggart, author, The Bond In Part 1 of this article I explored some of the forces that  have shaped our vision of workplace relationships.    There’s an increasing amount of rhetoric in business conversations today about the importance of optimizing people to maximize their strengths and  nurture  passion and creativity.  Hey, I’m […]
January 24, 2015

We Need New Models for Workplace Relationships – Part 1

I used to facilitate a three-day seminar I had co-developed for the American Management Association on conflict management. From San Francisco to New York, I heard an endless array of workplace “war stories” over five years.  One woman’s experience remains with me today.  (Sara) was distressed and sought out my advice at the end of the first day of the […]
January 13, 2015

Are You Listening? The Essentials of Real Listening

“Some lucky people seem to have a magic touch when it comes to getting people to buy into their plans, goals and desires. But, in reality, reaching people isn’t magic. It’s an art…and a science.  And it’s easier than you think.”   Mark Goulston, author, Just Listen Yes, we all know that listening is important. It is considered, by broad […]
December 16, 2014

If You Are Sick, Stay Home (and please get some sleep)

“We have clear evidence that if you consistently work long hours, you will get ill. And what we’re finding in the developed world is that increasingly the hours are upping that more and more people are working longer.”     Cary Cooper, Organizational Psychologist Recently, we’ve spoken with several clients who were sick. Physically ill.  Coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, sore throats – […]
November 1, 2014

Why Worry? ~ the Emotion Series

Worry is a trap. Lately, I’ve been falling into the worry trap too often. I’ve found myself worrying about many things. I worry about ________________. I worry about the ______________. I worry when _________________. I worry about – OK, that’s enough because mental rehearsal is the engine that powers worry. Despite many years of dedicated effort to raise my level of […]
October 13, 2014

Why Do So Many People in the Workplace Still Believe that Self-Development is Therapy?

Beliefs are powerful things. They persist even in the face of evidence – even in the light of experience. The world of business – that is, the world of commerce,  is still largely under the impression that feelings have no place in the workplace. In light of what we now know from a wealth of neuroscience – that’s just dead […]
September 11, 2014

We’re Up Against our Mindsets

Looking around the news of the world, I see three basic “camps.”  I’m thinking of these “camps” as ways of reacting/responding to the fast-changing world we all face today. The first I’ll call the “Stand Your Ground” camp. This camp is generally uninterested in change. It’s mainly reactive to the world as it unfolds, always strategizing how to maintain the […]