August 9, 2012

Positive vs. Negative Thinking: It Isn’t Either/Or

‘Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune.’ ~Walt Whitman Lately, the nature of positive thinking has been on my mind. Two weeks ago, I wrote about it in Redefining Optimism in the Face of Reality. Then, last Sunday, I came across this article, “The Power of Negative Thinking,” in the most emailed section of the New York Times. In […]
May 3, 2012

The Workplace (and the World) Are Starving for Real Dialogue

“Our language is holographic. Each word contains not only the wide context of paragraph and sentence but the deeper context of our lives. When you interact with someone, their initial words carry the entire hologram of their consciousness.”  William Isaacs, Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together Dialogue is an overused term for a very specific means of communication that […]
March 15, 2012

How Emotion Shapes Decision Making

There is little disagreement that effective decision-making is one of the most important tasks we must master to achieve success in every part of life. If we were to take a survey in the average workplace to poll what people believed was most needed for effective decision-making, which of these do you think would top the list? Factual information? Risk […]
November 18, 2010

Living Your Values at Work

“The most important thing in life is to decide what’s most important” Ken Blanchard                            People don’t seem to write or talk much about values anymore, do they?  Yes, the word value is often used – creating value, adding value, etc., but what does it really mean to the user?  While most organizations still use values words in their mission […]
September 16, 2010

Creating a WE vs. ME Workplace

“The power of an organization is the capacity generated by relationships. Positive or negative organizational energy is determined by the quality of relationships. Those who relate through coercion, or in disregard of others, create negative energy. Those who are open to others and who see others in their fullness create positive energy.”    Margaret Wheatley, Leadership from the New Science Do […]
June 24, 2010

Is Self-Deception Keeping You in the Box?

Have you ever wondered if there was a missing ingredient that could improve your relationships – in the workplace and beyond? Well, it wasn’t until we came across the book, Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box, written by The Arbinger Institute, that we were able to put our finger on an important part of the puzzle.  – Self […]
January 7, 2010

Intelligent Emotions – at Work

“Hardwired to connect with each other, we do so through emotions. Our brains, bodies and minds are inseparable from the emotions that animate them. Emotions are at the nexus of thought and action, of self and other, of person and environment.”  Diana Fosha, Daniel Siegel & Marion Solomon, The Healing Power of Emotions Driven by major advances in neuroscience in […]